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Search Results for "vote"

The Skinny on Voting in the Big State of Texas

The primaries in Texas may be over, but the election cycle has just begun. To help you rock the vote in Texas, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that should answer your most burning questions about the polling process, and get you prepared for the next big election. Am I even eligible to vote? Let’s ...more +

Apr 6

California Voting Guide: Give Power to Your Voice

This will be my first year voting. In the beginning, religious rhetoric kept me from participating at the polls. Then I decided that no matter who I chose to vote for, I would simply be opting for the lesser of two evils. But now, at 26, I've re-evaluated these notions. Similar to the strategy employed by Gwyneth Paltrow ...more +

Snail Mail and Closed Primaries: the State of Voting in Oregon

You may have noticed that it's an election year, and while I have absolutely no interest in telling you who or what to vote for, I do care that you can navigate the voter registration process and are aware of the important dates this election season. Fortunately, we live in a state where you can ...more +

The Experience of Voting is Broken, But We Can Fix It

When most people think of poor ballot design, they think of Florida, the 2000 election, and Gore vs. Bush. Unfortunately, the problems and errors that result from poorly designed ballots are a recurring issue. It is estimated that, in the 2008 and 2010 elections, over half a million votes were not counted due to voter ...more +

Jul 12

Tracking Social Technology & Voter Engagement

I've noticed that, for the first time in my life, I'm overwhelmed by politics. In high school, it was a topic that sometimes came up among my debate-team friends. In college, and my early years of employment, it was a side conversation. Now I can't go a day without someone mentioning a candidate at least ...more +

Apr 27

A Creative’s Guide to the 2016 Presidential Election

Growing up, I was taught that it was rude to talk about who you were voting for. Right between bringing up religion or asking someone when they were expecting, it was one of the rudest things you could say. Perhaps it's old-fashioned, or stereotypically Midwestern, but the idea was simple; everyone should be treated equally ...more +

Nov 2

Tu Voto es Cosa Seria

Get out the vote. Rock the vote. These are familiar phrases, but over several decades of use, they’ve lost their impact. And there are varying opinions on how to motivate voters. You could utilize guilt (No vote? No voice!) shame (You can’t complain if you don’t vote!) or populist inspiration (Change we can believe in). ...more +

Jun 29

It’s Hard Out There for a Freelancer—Three Challenges and Solutions

Freelancers don’t play like full-time employees. We’re way out of “the box,” otherwise known as a cube. We work wherever we want, whenever. Nearly 54 million freelancers contribute $715 billion to the economy each year. But there are big costs for that freedom, like paying double taxes, living without safety nets and having to eke out ...more +

Nov 24

Like Tweets in Rain: The Library of Congress Tries to Archive Twitter

Back in 2010, the US Library of Congress announced their intent to begin archiving Twitter–all of it. Dubbed the Twitter Research Access Project, every public tweet fired off since Twitter’s inception was to be stored for later retrieval in the hallowed library. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that the LOC had bitten off more than it ...more +

Jun 9

Designing for Victory – Motifs in Presidential Campaigning

Political campaign design has historically been quite boring: red, blue, maybe a flag, and a safe typeface were more or less what we expected from candidates. But in the past decade, that has all changed. New technologies mean that candidates who leverage design skillfully build momentum faster, control their narrative more efficiently, and even use ...more +

Aug 23
