In search of a new way to illustrate the breadth and diversity of Oregon’s athletic and outdoor industry, an employer to more than 15,000 people, the Portland Development Commission came to Oregon Story Board, an organization dedicated to collaborative digital storytelling. The result of that collaboration is the A&O Ecosystem, ...more +
10 years ago
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, many creative professionals tout their ability to wear multiple hats. This multi-faceted approach emphasizes their versatility and broadens both the variety of roles they’ll be considered for, and the utility they can offer a potential employer. But this is also a dangerous game--you don’t want ...more +
10 years ago
In the final clip from RUNT presents CORIZONTAL, Lewman describes reaching his breaking point, high-tailing it to Costa Rica, and rebuilding his career with greater consideration for what really matters to him. Also, sand vagina. "Don't try to sand off all the edges and be liked. If you just stand ...more +
10 years ago
Sometimes you just need to get out of the office. Maybe your deskmate has a persistent wheeze, or it’s fish fry day in the cafeteria and you have a violent allergy. I asked the staff at M+P to share some of their favorite remote office getaways in Austin, Portland and Los ...more +
10 years ago
Welcome to the brand new, official blog of The Creative Party! I want to take this very exciting moment to explain its objectives, essential elements and the team behind it. The goal is simple: to provide you with the very best career advice, creative industry news and finely-crafted nonsense on ...more +
10 years ago
Lewman parlays the lessons from Homeboy into an opportunity to run Dirt Magazine, but forgets to bring a business plan along for the ride. Luck comes to his rescue, which earns him the admiration of a childhood hero. RUNT. never underestimate. A professional development series from The Creative Party and ...more +
10 years ago
There’s no shortage of sites out there to help you put together an online portfolio, all with their inherent advantages. WordPress: There’s nearly a decade of history and development behind Wordpress, so you’ll have plenty of themes, plugins and support resources at your ÿngertips. The downside to all that versatility ...more +
10 years ago
In our third clip from RUNT presents CORIZONTAL, Lewman describes the atmosphere at Freestylin' Magazine, the essential nature of improvisation, and how taking risks with the company copy machine accelerated his career trajectory. RUNT. never underestimate. A professional development series from The Creative Party and Mathys+Potestio, RUNT is about positioning ...more +
10 years ago