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Photo by Matthew Henry

Potestio Ponders: What Defines Your Workplace Culture?

Written By Steve Potestio | Jul 11, 2018

How does an employer define their culture? Every company has one and every company looks for “cultural fit,” but what does that mean? Hint: It’s not foosball and it’s not that everyone likes each other. It’s much more than that. Yes, having fun and having perks play a role in your culture, but they don’t define it. You can have that stuff and still have a crappy culture. The next time someone asks you to describe your company culture, think about these attributes when forming your answer:

Hint: It’s not foosball and it’s not that everyone likes each other… You can have that stuff and still have a crappy culture.

Culture trickles down from the top. How does management interact with the staff employees? Are there offices? Is it an “us and them” dynamic? If a visitor walked into the office, could they easily tell who was management and who was staff? How does management deal with setbacks? How do they lead?

What are the personality traits of the employees that are most appreciated and valued? Good communication? Hard work? Team work? Humor? If someone is a good, hard worker, but boring as hell, do they fit in?

Are people heard and is their opinion valued? Do you have a say in the way that the company conducts its business? What other traits are valued? Which are discouraged?

How are marginal or poor performers managed? Are they managed to perform, or are they immediately shown the door? Are they ever shown the door?

Are expectations clear? Do people know where the company has been and where it’s going? To what degree do they play a role in this success? Is there good communication?

Are contributions and employees appreciated? Does it show?

These are the things that define your culture.

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