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Let’s get started Staffing is like casting. Our clients call us looking for someone very specific: a person with the right skills, experience, work style and availability for the position, in addition to a great attitude and professional approach. If you fit the bill, chances are you'll get the job. We made this video to explain ...more +

Sep 15

20 Tips for Knowing When to Quit Your Job (And Do it the Right Way)

Knowing how and when to quit your job is a question you will face at some point in your career. “How do I know if it’s me or the job?” “What if the grass is always going to be greener on the other side?” “Should I wait until I have another job before I quit?” ...more +

Feb 21

How to Get Over a Job When It Breaks Up With You

Many people say that a job is like a relationship. Those people mostly want to sound insightful over brunch, but there is something to the mentality that we are in a relationship with whoever keeps us employed. The routine of spending at least 40 hours a week honing a particular skill set and then using those ...more +

Sep 11

Playing Dress-up: The Job Interview

For such a ubiquitous part of professional life, job interviews are surprisingly difficult to dress for. The traditional conservative suit and tie is gone, outside of stodgier fields like finance and law. Button-downs, jeans, bright colors, chic workman wear—the options can seem limitless at times. Limitless, that is, until you realize that you’re dressing so that your ...more +

Feb 4

6 Reasons

Sep 15

Warning Signs that Your Job is Killing Your Advertising Career

I have reviewed thousands of portfolios and interviewed dozens upon dozens of job candidates. That experience taught me one thing about career success: working at the wrong job starves career potential. Many of those not offered positions with our agency had stayed too long in the wrong job. Their work wasn’t where it should have ...more +

Sep 2

Potestio Ponders: A Staffing/Recruitment Agency That Doesn’t Post Job Listings?

Recently, a graphic designer mentioned that they visited my company’s website and didn’t see any job openings. They assumed we didn’t have any because we don’t post open jobs to our site, or anywhere else for that matter. In fact, we currently have 99 open jobs across three geographical markets. Why don’t we post these ...more +

May 17

The Seeker Part Seven: Identity Crisis

Nathan was told LinkedIn would help him get jobs. That’s why he’d created his account several years ago–by loading his profile with SEO keywords, he’d enjoy a steady feed of job opportunities customized to his career experience. He typed a long list of projects and collateral types, connected to past colleagues and high school acquaintances, ...more +

Sep 27

Tips For Starting an Illustration Career

One of my favorite things about illustration is that I get to learn SO MUCH every day as a freelancer, which is exciting, fulfilling, and sometimes overwhelming. I like to make lists and collect resources, so I’ve been taking note of all the things I’ve learned as an illustrator and things I wish I had ...more +

Sep 21

These Interview Horror Stories will Chill You to the Bone!

A job interview is a nerve-racking experience. Strangers judging you, assessing company culture and deciding if you fit’s not always a great process. Don’t get me wrong, they're not all awful. Nothing is better than walking out of an interview and wanting to hop, skip, jump and scream "I NAILED THAT!" at anyone who'll listen. ...more +

Oct 27
