We’re not an actual political party, but you could say we have an agenda. The Creative Party is a staffing agency on a mission to unite and empower creatives on their quest for work that inspires them. Here’s what we want you to know:
You deservean agency that gets you.
If you’re looking for work in the creative and tech fields, chances are you’re allergic to things that feel cookie-cutter. You want to cut your own path. We get that. We like that. Let’s keep talking.

Quotas are
the enemy
Our jobs don’t depend on hiring a certain number of people per month—we’re about quality, not quantity. We take the time to get to know who you are and what you want, and we only place you at a job if we genuinely believe it’s the right fit.
You're one of us.
Our team members have worked in the creative industry, so we have a special interest in seeing you succeed. We know this world well, and we want to help you find your place in it.

Our team members have worked in the creative industry, so we have a special interest in seeing you succeed. We know this world well, and we want to help you find your place in it.
Jobs are good.
Careers are better.
We want you to find long-term success, and placing you at a job that fits you is the first step. Beyond that, we also host professional development events and share insider tips through our blog, social channels, and video series that give you the tools to build a career.

You're in the right place.
It’s no accident that we’re based in Portland, Austin, Boise, Los Angeles and San Francisco. There is a spirit of independence, exploration, and carving one's own path here that draws passionate people from all over to think and create together. These are the perfect places to grow as a creative professional.

is invited.
You could be a graphic designer, a copywriter, a web developer, a project manager... as long as you’re hungry to work hard and create something awesome, there’s room for you under our big tent. Welcome to The Party.