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Mastering the Job-Hunting Balancing Act

Job hunting is like a trip to the dentist. If you enjoy it, you’ve got a problem…or need to find a career in HR, dentistry, or whatever psychopaths do to pay the rent. For most of us, it’s a stressful slog that feels deeply, soul-crushingly never-ending. But it doesn’t have ...more +

3 weeks ago

Studying Creativity ≠ Jumbo Shrimp

You heard me right. Studying creativity isn’t an oxymoron (no jumbo shrimp here). I mean it. You can become more creative, by simply studying creativity. Are you still with me? Let’s talk about it some more. For some (bonkers) reason, humanity acts like creativity, artistic ability, and the knack for ...more +

2 months ago

Gettin’ Creative with your Creative Job Interview

In movies, job interviews tend to involve suits and ties, nylons and high heels, notepads, and awkwardly scripted questions. Sadly, 21st-century reality isn’t always much better and even virtual interviews can be a trainwreck of ‘Tell me a time when you…’ moments. But for creative positions—Creative Director, Copywriter, Art Director, ...more +

3 months ago

Creativity from the Masters, not Our Robot Overlords

Strap in, kiddos, we’re going back in time. Timely or Timeless? In his 1994 book Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up, the famously wackadoodle writer tells a story that rings painfully true today. People often say to me: “Dave, you are a leading journalism professional and not as short ...more +

5 months ago

M(a)P Your Brain’s Fullest Potential

Humans know a lot, that’s for sure, but when it comes to our own brains… not so much. We’ve mapped the squishy bits but studying how it all works is still something of a mystery. For example—depending on who you ask or how deeply you Google—there are more than a ...more +

6 months ago

The Circle of Life, M+P Style

Pretty much everything in life is circular. In school we learn our shapes (that’s an easy one) then about growing cycles (long live the radish seed), seasonal rotation, what-goes-around-comes-around, playground karma, and the riddle of the Sphinx… all cyclical. Don’t even get me started on laundry, grocery shopping, or paying ...more +

7 months ago

The Meat + Potatoes of M+P

When you think of a staffing agency—if you do at all—a lot of folks think “unnecessary middle man” or cumbersome paperwork. Ugh. Yeah, we get it. We’ve heard all those things too. It’s why we set out to be different.  Our jobs don’t depend on hiring a certain number of ...more +

8 months ago