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Year 0 vs Year 3 as a Product Designer – A Retrospective

This piece originally appeared here. It has been lightly edited for our site. Okay, a little backstory: Nearly three years after its creation, I made a conscious decision to revisit one my first projects in the product design industry. Well, to put it shortly, it was... horrendous. It resembled the ...more +

4 years ago

My Only Idea Is to Drop Everything and Open a Bakery

“Any ideas?” you ask. No, not really. The main thing that keeps coming to mind is to drop everything and open a bakery. I’ll think further on your ask, though. Oh, have you ever piped an almond croissant with pink cream cheese frosting? That’s an ask I have for you. ...more +

4 years ago

Who Is The Plant Mentor You Need? 

In the great garden of life, I've been blessed with many mentors in my career — people who had the grace and care to give their time to invest in me and my professional development when they weren't even getting paid to do it! It’s because of what these people ...more +

4 years ago

HR Failed Meghan Markle

Everyone is talking about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, and you’re probably wondering why your friendly neighborhood creative staffing agency is, too. Well, I didn’t expect to. But then Markle mentioned bringing a complaint to HR, and suddenly I felt like I’d been hit with a ...more +

4 years ago

The Daily Self-Care Routine of a Freelancer Who Loves To Procrastinate

Throughout the pandemic, there has been a social media rally around self-care. Take care of yourself. Invest in your self-care ritual. Enhance your self-care regimen to take care of yourself. Find yourself in your self-care. (I know all of those lines because I’ve had to write all of them for ...more +

4 years ago

Setting Boundaries in the Virtual Working World

I’m a bit of a people-pleaser. Listen, I’m not proud of it, but it’s the truth (and I’m working on it). I was the straight-A student that all the teachers loved. I was the kid my mom never had to discipline. And as an adult, I’ve sometimes been the employee ...more +

4 years ago

Workday Recommendations for Strange Times

The world is throwing a lot at us these days. We’ve spent nearly a year trying to work while simultaneously surviving a pandemic (or we’ve been out of work, facing a whole other predicament), and here in the US we’ve gone through a whole host of terrors, including an *checks ...more +

4 years ago

5 Uncommon Ways to be More Kick-ass in Zoom Meetings!

Hey, y’all. I know we all know the basic stuff like being well-lit, having a plain non-distracting background, putting on clothes, etc. etc., but I’m here to give you the more uncommon tips on how to have more powerful Zoom meetings! Yo, don’t join early. Join right on time. I ...more +

4 years ago

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