I never thought I’d write this, but damn, LinkedIn is filled with vulnerability right now. This has never been the case. We’ve all heard a lot about how social media isn’t real life, focusing especially on so-called selfie culture and influencer marketing, but LinkedIn always felt sheltered from such thinkpieces. ...more +
5 years ago
As any one of my colleagues can tell you, I’m not big on positive thinking. I tend toward the negative, the cynical, and the worst case scenario. But I’ve found a bit of long dormant optimism in the last few weeks because… well, because the alternative doesn’t feel quite as ...more +
5 years ago
There’s no bad time to look at how we balance our lives with work, but there are events that demand we stop to take stock. Maybe we create a new human or gain direct reports or have a thriving project outside our day job; how the hell do we maintain ...more +
5 years ago
We made you another newspaper. Or zine, whatever you want to call it. Here it is as a PDF, but we highly recommend it in its intended physical form (get it in the mail by filling out this form*!). While we always like making analog goodies for you all, we ...more +
5 years ago
This post originally appeared on our Written division's website. I’m lucky. I work for a company that understands a lot of good can be done from home while wearing athleisure or a full hazmat suit. You know who’s in trouble? Companies with restrictive (outdated?) policies around working remotely. This is ...more +
5 years ago
Launch a new brand, they said. It will be fun, they said. Well, it actually was pretty fun. See, we’ve been filling administrative and professional jobs for clients for awhile now. But our bread and butter has been creative staffing and it’s what people know us for. So when we ...more +
5 years ago
Mathys+Potestio has always been synonymous with creative staffing. We’re pioneers in the industry and have a track record approaching 30+ years of great work. At the same time, we’ve been asked to provide more than just creative and marketing talent over the years, largely because clients are happy with our ...more +
5 years ago
Editor's Note: Jordan made you this playlist of his favorite Texans. Enjoy. I’ve always felt a connection to Texas. As a kid my mom used to play Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson records in the house and, as I got older, I developed an affinity for musicians from the state. ...more +
5 years ago