#RuNTPortland comes but thrice a year, and we like to make ‘em count. This time around, we examined the jobs (and job titles) that make some people stop and ask “wait… what do you do?” Whether you’re a newbie looking for a job or an industry insider, job titles are ...more +
6 years ago
This piece originally appeared on Studio Mobius. It is re-posted here with permission. “Before they’ll listen to you, they have to like you.” This wise statement came from a co-worker with a PhD, a woman who built her reputation on the thoroughness and accuracy of her methods, analysis, and recommendations. ...more +
6 years ago
“This is the worst year to be graduating. There are more of you with college degrees than ever before, and fewer jobs available than ever before. Good luck. You’re going to need it.” These were some of the last words that I heard at my college graduation. It was 2011. ...more +
6 years ago
We're open to all sorts of drinks with candidates – smoothies, bone broths (well, Blaire probably is), and of course booze – but more often than not, we're meeting for coffee. It's just the most socially acceptable thing to drink during business hours. Because of that, we've got a lot ...more +
6 years ago
I see this one book every time I’m roaming the “Self Help” aisle at Powell’s. It’s called Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. I’ve been through some pretty significant transitions in the last few years, but I only picked it up for the first time recently, after I was laid ...more +
6 years ago
Working for yourself can be irresistibly alluring. Many unsuspecting creative professionals are drawn to the promise of freelance freedom. Freedom to set your own schedule, to wear pajamas all day, to pick and choose your clients and your work. There is little doubt that self-employment and freelancing offer quite a ...more +
6 years ago
Last year, I typed “top women in Hollywood” into the internet. A list came up of the 100 most influential women in Tinseltown. I was unemployed, sitting at a coffee shop on a Wednesday afternoon, and had promised myself that I would not go home until I had emailed everyone ...more +
6 years ago
Paul’s email was nothing more than a list of links and his signature. Haley surveyed the URLs, a who’s-who of local ad agencies with each digital address ending with some variation of /MeetTheTeam. “Hey Paul, are you sending me a virus?” “Just check them out. I sent them to everyone.” ...more +
6 years ago