A couple weeks ago the insightful and talented Janessa Knodt wrote about the power of saying no (as opposed to yes to everything). As with any power, you have to know when to wield it. Cash-strapped times aside, I have found it helpful to have a rubric to go by ...more +
7 years ago
I’m a writer, illustrator, and kindness snob obsessed with the stories that connect us. In this column, I provide insights to people navigating the intersections of their personal and professional lives. This column usually features a collection of questions. For this installment, I chose to focus on a single question that ...more +
7 years ago
Today we tackle the subject of endless hours of speculation, agonizing and unseen effort: how to present your visual work online. Note: we’re going to ignore the specifics of format (website/portfolio site like dribble or behance/instagram etc.) and focus on the conceptual. First thing’s first, though...a touch of bitching: I’ve ...more +
7 years ago
I was on a plane recently, flying home from Chicago. It was evening and I was exhausted & ready to relax, so I ordered a cocktail. The copy on the cocktail napkin read, "In a world full of no, we're a plane full of yes". It really struck me, because ...more +
7 years ago
Long before I was a copywriter, I pumped gas for a living. You’re probably imagining the glamorous aspects of the job—standing in a downpour as someone yells their order through their closed window in order to avoid getting raindrops on their upholstery, or scrubbing a summer’s worth of smashed bugs ...more +
7 years ago
According to the Atlassian 2017 State of Diversity Report, 83% of tech employees believe diversity is important. However, only half of those employees believe that improvements in this area need to happen at their companies. We’re all familiar with debates about equality in the workplace, but we’re also familiar with those ...more +
7 years ago
For just about 163 seconds on August 21st, the moon will completely block out the sun, resulting in a total solar eclipse. And people are completely losing their shit. Everybody in North America will be able to see it, but not everybody will get the total experience. For that, one ...more +
7 years ago
There's no denying it—legal cannabis is becoming a serious force here in the United States. Sure, it's only kosher in four states right now (Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and California) but 2016 alone saw $6.5 billion in legal cannabis sales, and those numbers are expected to grow exponentially in the next decade. Legalizing ...more +
7 years ago