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Freelance Like a Boss Part II

Working for yourself can be irresistibly alluring. Many unsuspecting creative professionals are drawn to the promise of freelance freedom. Freedom to set your own schedule, to wear pajamas all day, to pick and choose your clients and your work. There is little doubt that self-employment and freelancing offer quite a ...more +

6 years ago

Creative Briefs #7: Email Police

There are worse things in the world than imperfect writing, though apparently, Haley wasn’t supposed to think so. After all, she was a copywriter – one of the appointed guardians of grammar, a warrior on the front lines of syntactic propriety. Of all people, she should be appalled by confounding ...more +

6 years ago

Feeding Back on Feedback

If you want to send a coworker (or anyone in your life, really) into an early grave, squint your eyes, move your head forward just a bit, and purse your lips to form everyone’s least favorite phrase: “Can I give you some constructive feedback?” I have yet to meet one ...more +

6 years ago

Bring Your Baggage: RuNT Portland Recap

January’s RuNT event, Bring Your Baggage, was unlike any other we’ve put on – in the best possible way. While our talks are usually focused on the creative side of things, this time we did things a bit differently. We teamed up with Sarah Kay, a Nike employee and life ...more +

6 years ago

Freelance Like A Boss Part I

Working for yourself can be irresistibly alluring. Many unsuspecting creative professionals are drawn to the promise of freelance freedom. Freedom to set your own schedule, to wear pajamas all day, to pick and choose your clients and your work. There is little doubt that self-employment and freelancing offer quite a ...more +

6 years ago

6 Bits of Career Advice I’d Give To My Scared 21-Year-Old Self

When I was 21 years old, I was a year out from graduating college with what turned out to be a really useless degree — English, with an emphasis in creative writing. I wasn’t a 21-year-old who had the world by the horns. I didn’t have cool internships lined up. ...more +

6 years ago

The Dark Side of Empathy In the Workplace

When I moved back to Los Angeles after a four-year stint in New York City, I found myself at a friend’s apartment. The room was filled with unfamiliar faces and I found myself chatting with a woman and her boyfriend. “What do you do for a living?” I asked the ...more +

6 years ago

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