You are responsible for managing your career, which means you must make an extra effort to speak up and ask for what you want. Advocating for opportunities at work so that you build bridges, position yourself as a leader, and maintain a good rapport with your colleagues can be challenging. ...more +
7 years ago
Nearly three years ago I graduated from a small private fine-art college, Oregon College of Art and Craft, with a BFA in Craft with a Concentration in Fiber Art, a degree I obviously pursued because of the straight-forward, lucrative career path that it promised. It seems perplexing that someone who ...more +
7 years ago
If you’ve lived in the agency world long enough, you’ve got your own story – a tale of a dysfunctional family dynamic that prevented you from doing your best work. I’ve got mine, too, and while the specific details are shrouded behind an NDA with my signature on it, I ...more +
7 years ago
We’ve all been there. We’ve all been in a position where we lovingly poured hours of thought, sweat, blood, and tears into work that we think is smart and effective — only to have a client come back and tell us they don’t like what we have done. Instead, let’s ...more +
7 years ago
Negotiating your salary doesn’t have to be so hard. Whether you’re asking for a raise or negotiating a job offer, here are nine practical steps to getting the compensation you want and deserve. 1. Analyze the situation Do you know your value in the marketplace? Write down the accomplishments, experience, ...more +
7 years ago
Haley enjoyed transcending the make-it-pretty misperception of Marketing and providing the sales team with polished, professional collateral that delivered more than what they’d asked for. Even if it wasn’t a verbatim execution of their request, she liked to believe that they recognized and appreciated the upgrade. Such dreamy reveries lasted ...more +
7 years ago
Recently, a graphic designer mentioned that they visited my company’s website and didn’t see any job openings. They assumed we didn’t have any because we don’t post open jobs to our site, or anywhere else for that matter. In fact, we currently have 99 open jobs across three geographical markets. ...more +
7 years ago
When I work with fellow creatives, we are often working remotely and on varying schedules. In-person meetings typically happen at the start of projects, during big milestones, or when something goes threat-level-red and everyone needs to be pulled together for an emergency meeting. But beyond the highlights, we largely work ...more +
7 years ago