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Creative Briefs #4: The Fine Art of Oomph

Haley enjoyed transcending the make-it-pretty misperception of Marketing and providing the sales team with polished, professional collateral that delivered more than what they’d asked for. Even if it wasn’t a verbatim execution of their request, she liked to believe that they recognized and appreciated the upgrade. Such dreamy reveries lasted ...more +

7 years ago

Texting for Work: The Wave of the Future or a Path to Disorganized Disaster?

When I work with fellow creatives, we are often working remotely and on varying schedules. In-person meetings typically happen at the start of projects, during big milestones, or when something goes threat-level-red and everyone needs to be pulled together for an emergency meeting. But beyond the highlights, we largely work ...more +

7 years ago

Stop Begging for Mentorship

Recently, the topic of mentorship came up at a networking event. The specific question was along the lines of "how do I convince someone to be my mentor?" I found that rather horrifying but also understandable – mentorship is often portrayed as an arrangement where a more seasoned and powerful person offers ...more +

7 years ago

Questions to Ask in a Job Interview That Make You Look Good

Every interviewer is out to make sure that you are the best fit for the job. They want to verify as much as they can if you are an expert in the field, a reliable employee, and/or a good investment of their resources. In order to reassure them, you want ...more +

7 years ago

If You Build It: RuNT Portland Recap

Just like any other product, your favorite sports teams need to be marketed. Team affinity doesn’t just spring up; it’s inherited through family trees, relationships, and geographical location. It’s tied up in emotional connections and hometown pride. All of this means that in a small transplant city like Portland, teams ...more +

7 years ago

Our Guide to Design Week Portland 2018

Hooray! Portland's festival to celebrate design and visual culture kicks off next week. From product design to architecture, robots to photography, this year's edition has once again come correct. With hundreds of events taking place throughout the city, hitting everything in your wish list can be a little tricky. To ...more +

7 years ago

Creative Briefs #3: Imposter

Haley stared at her monitor, disappointed that the Word doc was still blank. No wonder, as the closest she’d gotten to typing was to put her hands on home row and silently curse her inability to conjure a simple six-word headline. Unless she counted the one line she’d typed and ...more +

7 years ago

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