One of the most misunderstood and reviled aspects of employment in the State of Oregon is the Non-Compete Agreement. They scare individuals and present employers as paranoid, though there is a strong business case for them. I have been under strict non-competes as an individual and I have had to ...more +
11 years ago
We're discussing the wide array of continuing education options for creative industry professionals with Bart Cleveland (founder, Job Propulsion Lab), Trish Carey (Assistant Director of Digital Strategies, PSU), and Cris Kelly (Director, Portland Code School). Creative Party Live is a recurring web video series that explores pressing topics facing creative ...more +
11 years ago
Despite its positive points, email drains us. At work, we sit at our computers with glazed eyes and crank through hundreds of emails a day. It leaves little energy for personal email or other fun digital pursuits (not you, Candy Crush) and zaps us of the attention we could better ...more +
11 years ago
We're discussing the ins and outs of building a copywriting career with Amber James (founder, Copywriter Conclave of Portland), Freelance Copywriter Extraordinaire Jaye Davis, and Page Jensen-Slattengren (producer, Tequila Mockingbird). Creative Party Live is a recurring web video series that explores pressing topics facing creative industry professionals. It brings together ...more +
11 years ago
The Creative Party has major growth plans for 2014. I’m currently growing (mostly outward) but come Independence Day, mine will be the second tiny Creative Party member added to the crew this year. Very exciting of course, but as a good designer friend of mine once said, “babies is hard!” ...more +
11 years ago
For this, our inaugural episode, we're joined by Steve Potestio, Ashley Diehl and special guest Erin O'Brien to discuss parenthood, and the workplace policies that make it just a little bit easier to manage. Creative Party Live is a recurring web video series that explores pressing topics facing creative industry ...more +
11 years ago