I do SEO full time, in-house, for a large e-commerce company. After that, I scroll through the latest industry news, do some side consulting, and look out for cool online marketing campaigns as I careen around the Internet. In short: I think about SEO a lot, but I recognize I’m ...more +
10 years ago
What would happen if you decided to stop working in advertising or design and attempted to start a business of your own? How would it feel to sit on the other side of the table and ask for help selling your product? Would you know how to talk about what ...more +
10 years ago
Working in coffee houses can fatten you up like a holiday turkey. It’s not like they serve wheatgrass. Your choices are scones (fat), croissants (fatter) and granola (fattest). Good thing there’s “coworking”—a healthy alternative for the freelance professional. Finders coworkers Coworking spaces are workspaces within existing companies. Finding them is ...more +
10 years ago
The 1960s design scene in Portland had elements that may seem familiar to designers today: passionate creatives, a small community, and a collaborative work ethic. Out of this creative pool emerged Byron Ferris, Bennet Norrbo, and Charles Politz, three men whose careers overlapped, who influenced each other and yet left ...more +
10 years ago
I’m halfway through my developer bootcamp, filling my brain with JavaScript and preparing to transition my skills out of the classroom and into a job. Along the way, I’ve been collecting resources: documentation libraries for Orchestrate and jQuery, tutorials like Mozilla Developer’s Network and Treehouse, and oodles of bookmarked pages for projects ...more +
10 years ago
It takes a ton of time and energy for employers to find great applicants, review resumes, screen candidates, set up interviews and pick the right person. One bad decision can cost employers years of revenue and growth. This is why employers ask hard questions in your interview—to make sure they ...more +
10 years ago
Each August, we shock the world by flipping vanity the bird and showing everyone our bad side. Last time around, you all looked atrocious, abhorrent, BAD—but we couldn't look away. It's an annual tradition that's cozied up alongside not wearing white after labor day, going to the movie theater in the summertime, and ...more +
10 years ago
Its name is CONTENT. It features articles from The Creative Party, a new comic called Tales from the Water Bowl, and a letter from Steve Potestio himself. Each issue will be released as a limited, 200-copy run, and distributed in Portland, Austin and Los Angeles. CONTENT is edited by Nick Mendez, designed by Eric ...more +
10 years ago