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Welcome to the New, Official Blog of The Creative Party

Welcome to the brand new, official blog of The Creative Party! I want to take this very exciting moment to explain its objectives, essential elements and the team behind it. The goal is simple: to provide you with the very best career advice, creative industry news and finely-crafted nonsense on ...more +

10 years ago

Don’t Forget the Math

Lewman parlays the lessons from Homeboy into an opportunity to run Dirt Magazine, but forgets to bring a business plan along for the ride. Luck comes to his rescue, which earns him the admiration of a childhood hero. RUNT. never underestimate. A professional development series from The Creative Party and ...more +

10 years ago

Some Options for Putting Together an Online Portfolio

There’s no shortage of sites out there to help you put together an online portfolio, all with their inherent advantages. WordPress: There’s nearly a decade of history and development behind Wordpress, so you’ll have plenty of themes, plugins and support resources at your ÿngertips. The downside to all that versatility ...more +

10 years ago

Unlock Hidden Potential

In our third clip from RUNT presents CORIZONTAL, Lewman describes the atmosphere at Freestylin' Magazine, the essential nature of improvisation, and how taking risks with the company copy machine accelerated his career trajectory. RUNT. never underestimate. A professional development series from The Creative Party and Mathys+Potestio, RUNT is about positioning ...more +

10 years ago

Want to Attract the A-Talent? Treat the D-Talent Better

Want to hire the A-talent? I’ll tell you how: treat the D-talent better. The typical strategies to hire the best talent? Offer more money, amazing benefits, provide office perks like free food and foosball, and hope for the best. D-talent may be great talent for somebody, but not for your ...more +

10 years ago

Don’t Wait for Permission

A clip from RUNT presents: CORIZONTAL with Mark Lewman of Nemo, part of Design Week Portland 2014. Mark describes his favorite reading material, getting hopped up on Mountain Dew, and how writing an endless stream of unsolicited letters got him his first gig in publishing. RUNT. never underestimate. A professional ...more +

10 years ago

Welcome to the Workforce

I hit a professional low in the summer of 2010. I’d graduated from college six months earlier with a BA in journalism and some pie-in-the-sky aspirations of what was supposed to come next. My diet was one third Top Ramen, one third mac and cheese and one third Subway $5 ...more +

10 years ago

Creativity is Subjective, Commitment Connects

A clip from RUNT presents: CORIZONTAL with Mark Lewman of Nemo, part of Design Week Portland 2014. More to come! RUNT. never underestimate. A professional development series from The Creative Party and Mathys+Potestio, RUNT is about positioning creatives for success in their careers by providing tools and knowledge to excel. ...more +

10 years ago

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