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The Public’s Biggest Misconception About Interaction Design

Thom Hines is an assistant professor at Portland State University's School of Arts + Design, where he's working to expand their interaction design course offerings. One of the obstacles he's had to circumvent is the fact that the general public is almost entirely unaware of the discipline. When Thom first got ...more +

10 years ago

What’s Your One Thing?

Forget trying to stand out. Try staying in someone’s memory. Being successful as a creative isn’t just a battle to help your clients get noticed in a crowded marketplace, it’s a battle to be remembered at all. What we’re ultimately clamoring for as creatives is the spark that sends you, ...more +

10 years ago

Conclusions from The Great Resume Debate 2015—Beyond the Teal

One year after the inaugural Great Resume Debate, combatants Andy Shearer of adidas and Rick Watson of Citizen returned, this year joined by fellow creative recruiter Moira Losch of Swift, united in their dedication to rid the world of crappy resumes, and help get you the job you've always wanted. This year's ...more +

10 years ago

We’re Expanding Our Services to Los Angeles

Mathys+Potestio, a pioneer in creative staffing, continues growth by opening Los Angeles office. Portland, Ore. - Mathys+Potestio, a creative and marketing industry staffing firm, today announced that they’ve opened a Los Angeles location. Helmed by Jackie Mathys and Steve Potestio, Mathys+Potestio’s primary service offerings emphasize temporary staffing and recruiting for full-time positions, ...more +

10 years ago

Now Playing: Eddie Spaghetti – The Sauce

It's common knowledge that The Supersuckers are the greatest rock and roll band in the world; a claim that is well-documented by their greatest hits package, How The Supersuckers Became The Greatest Rock and Roll Band In The World. What many people don't know, however, is that the charismatic frontman ...more +

10 years ago

How I Gamed My Klout Score in 6 Days for $10

A few weeks ago, I came across a post on Twitter from this dear community’s wrangler, Nick Mendez. As usual, he spoke softly and carried a big GIF: I could not believe my eyes. The Rock’s traps aside, they were also hard to fathom, I had somehow missed the memo that ...more +

10 years ago

Too Many Irons, and the Advertising Generalist Gets Burned

We’ve all been there--you toil away for hours on a campaign, dreams dashed and Frappuccinos® downed, when you finally present the job only to have some lavender-haired art director inform you that she spent her summer at a local zine and would have no problem just “slapping in some copy” ...more +

10 years ago

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