As they stared into each other’s eyes, the world slipping out of focus, time dissolving, all Nathan could think was, “this interview is getting weird.” It had started out well. As the interviewer explained that the job involved creating concise summaries of penny-stock companies that enabled investors to quickly make ...more +
9 years ago
The primaries in Texas may be over, but the election cycle has just begun. To help you rock the vote in Texas, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that should answer your most burning questions about the polling process, and get you prepared for the next big election. Am I ...more +
9 years ago
You may have noticed that it's an election year, and while I have absolutely no interest in telling you who or what to vote for, I do care that you can navigate the voter registration process and are aware of the important dates this election season. Fortunately, we live in ...more +
9 years ago
This will be my first year voting. In the beginning, religious rhetoric kept me from participating at the polls. Then I decided that no matter who I chose to vote for, I would simply be opting for the lesser of two evils. But now, at 26, I've re-evaluated these notions. Similar to ...more +
9 years ago
"" said the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland. A simple question, with an often complex answer, and one that every business should be asking their users. Just not in those words. When I was in school, I had the luxury of doing design research, and I'm grateful because it showed ...more +
9 years ago
Anyone who grew up with pizza parties already knows that free food can go a long way in boosting morale and motivation. Remember Pizza Hut’s Book-It? The program responsible for both childhood literacy and obesity? While it wasn’t that long ago that company-sponsored snacks were mostly the newsworthy stuff of ...more +
9 years ago
You know that place you dream of working; the one that does such great stuff that everyone wants to work there? If you want to dramatically improve your chances of getting an interview, you have to craft a compelling narrative with your portfolio, and make sure that every included piece speaks to your ...more +
9 years ago
Developers are too frequently stereotyped as being secluded, anti-social or generally awkward. It does a real disservice to a field that's expanding rapidly and welcoming hungry professionals with a widening variety of backgrounds and personalities. Development is also, however, a pretty unique process. It employs methods of collaboration, inter-team communication and ...more +
9 years ago