Autodesk Hits Portland 2017
3DV & Autodesk Presents
“Autodesk Hits Portland 2017” Now including a Pre-Show
@ the Incredible Empirical Theater at OMSI
5:00 – 6:30 Pre-show: plus Beer/Wine, Food & Networking
6:30 – 9:00 Demonstration
9:00 Raffle – Wacom Intuos Pro Paper – NVIDIA Quadro P5000
(Quadro P5000 $1,800 value)
Who Should Attend
Anyone involved in the entertainment, product, architectural, industrial, transportation, 3D printing, or design industries.
Content creators for any media: 3D printing, advertising, motion graphics, VR, high end web, broadcast, VFX, animation, video games or mobile content.
Marketing professionals looking to take that next step in competitive differentiation of design and visual messaging.
Why You Should Attend
New tools and workflows in 3D, pre-production, reality capture, and VR are opening doors to new and improved design processes facilitating better, faster iterations, leading to more creative solutions in Entertainment and Design.
Higher levels of audience sophistication and competition for impressions and eyeballs as well as the need for access to massive compute power are driving creative output.
Access to faster and better rendering solutions like Arnold, Cloud, and Cloud rights as well as standardized project management tools like Shotgun facilitating and optimizing small and large productions and offer unlimited, on-demand computing power.
Technology is driving disruptive changes in most industries: this event is focused on helping you keep up with those changes.
What You Will Learn
Increase your knowledge of how new Autodesk products, workflows, and services are enabling artists to create things faster.
Watch a live show on tools and techniques focused on Maya, Max, Shotgun, Sketchbook, Recap, and Rendering. Topics covered include new features in Proceduralism, 3D printing, VR, and Cloud Rights that can be incorporated in workflows and pipelines immediately to enhance your visual content faster.
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