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PechaKucha Night PDX Vol. 24 – Unity

Written By Hannah Risser-Sperry | Dec 10, 2017

This volume is about Unity: Joining forces. Moving together as one. Coalescing. Taking Shape.


As social animals, people require and seek to feel united with each other. We need this to celebrate and grieve, to expand our projects and ideas, to make change that extends beyond ourselves, and for our individual and collective mental health. In today’s divisive climate, this sense of Unity sometimes feels lost – especially during moments when we don’t share beliefs, thoughts, world views, or priorities with those around us.


On December 12th, we will hear from people who are creating, exploring and questioning with Unity in mind; from a world-traveling author, to the local family who is bringing back curiosity one interview at a time, to the musician letting us experience Unity through sound. We will share ideas, connect with one another, yell Bonsaiiiii with our hands in the air (…seriously, we will) and perhaps, we might even Vogue. Join us on December 12th for Pecha Kucha Night Portland :: Volume 24 :: Unity.


Doors at 6:30pm | Show at 7:30pm

Tickets: $5 in advance | $10 at the door (limited + credit card only)

Holocene is a 21+ Venue

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.