PechaKucha Vol. 27 – Happy Place
Join us for Volume 27 of PechaKucha Night Portland on October 2nd, 2018 as we return to Holocene for a night of community building, creative presentations and joyous surprises.
Volume 27 will explore the theme :: Happy Place. Whether it be a physical location, a space in one’s mind, a lifelong collection or hobby, what is it that makes you feel magical, calm, lit up and alive? What is your happy place?
Our unique blend of speakers will share what the phrase “Happy Place” means to them. From secret locations to favorite sights, odd collections and new-found passions; hear the true stories of what Portlander’s do to celebrate, escape, recharge and ponder. And to make it extra interesting, we have defined “Happy Place” a something that carries with it no monetary incentive or a future wish to make money. This is pure euphoria.
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